Here at Royal Flush Vape we receive a wide range of questions from our customers with issues that can be easily fixed or prevented in the first place. This article highlights the most common vaping mistakes with guidance on how to fix them and more importantly prevent issues arising in the future.
Whether you’re new to vaping or been vaping for some time, small issues can set you back even if the fix is something quick and easy to get you back on your vaping journey. Even if you’re an experienced vaper, some of these common mistakes can be easily overlooked so it’s definitely worth a read to see if you’re making any of these common vaping mistakes.
Contents of Article
If you're having a problem and have a rough idea of what it may be you can use the links below to jump to that section of the article. If you're new to vaping we recommend reading through this article to gain a greater understanding of the common mistakes you can prevent.
Coil/Pod Issues
Your coil (or pod) is one of the most important components to your vape kit however is often overlooked. The coil heats up your e-liquid to turn it into vapour, when there is a problem with your coil then your vaping experience may not be ideal. Below we expand on possible coil issues and how to address them.
Priming your coils or pod
One of the most vital actions to carry out with any new coil is to prime it correctly to prevent a dry hit and premature burning. If you’re using a tank or pod with replaceable coils, make sure you drip e-liquid on the wicking ports throughout your coil and on the inside for all the cotton of your coil to soak up the e-liquid. By priming your coil correctly, you will both increase the lifespan of your coil whilst also providing more flavour and vape.
If you’re utilising a pod kit without a replaceable coil, ensure you fill your pod and allow the coil to soak up e-liquid for around 5-10 minutes before vaping to extend the lifespan of your coil and to create a greater vaping experience.
Changing your coil
Unfortunately, coils don’t last forever, much like all good things. The good news is that with the constant advancement in coil technology, they last much longer than they used to! Coil life varies significantly upon usage, e-liquids used and wattage settings you vape at although you can expect a coil to last anywhere from 5 days to 2 weeks but you’ll eventually start to notice a drop in flavour and vapour production.
If you’re vaping with a sub ohm vape kit, you’ll be most likely using an e-liquid with a higher VG ratio on a higher wattage than those who prefer to vape through Mouth To Lung (MTL). When it comes to changing your coil you may notice that the cotton in your coil is discoloured, this is due to your e-liquid beginning to oxidise and the cotton becoming oversaturated and unable to wick properly.
TOP TIP – If you’re vape device has a puff counter, reset it to zero when you change your coil so you can keep track of how long your coils are lasting.
Using incorrect wattage settings
Even if you’ve primed your coil and set everything up correctly you may still notice little flavour or even worse, a burnt taste not long after changing your coil. The majority of the time these issues can be down to your wattage settings on your device. If you’re vaping with an All In One (AIO) device or vape pen then it’s unlikely this issue as these devices tend to have a fixed output to match your coil.
If you’re using a more powerful device such as a sub ohm kit there’s much more customisation with your vape, however this also creates much more room for error. If you have your wattage set too high then your vapour can become too hot and dry to inhale and if set too low you’ll experience little flavour and vapour.
The easiest way to ensure you are vaping at the optimal wattage settings is to check the coil you’re using. The majority of coils will state the minimum and maximum wattage with most stating a recommended wattage setting. It’s advisable to begin on the lower end of the recommended and work your way up to a level you’re happy with.
Tank/Pod Issues
Swiftly following on from our highlighted coil issues, there’s a few things that you should keep in mind with your tank or pod too. If you’re unfamiliar with your device then it’s highly recommended to get to know it so that utilising it becomes second nature. We highlight the most common causes of bad vaping experience due to your tank or pod below.
Keeping e-liquid in your tank or pod
Once of the most common mistakes to cause a burnt vape is due to not having enough e-liquid in your tank or pod. It's important to keep an eye on your e-liquid level to ensure that you don’t vape an empty tank or pod as this will cause your coil to burn out prematurely. The good news is that a lot of coils have a “minimum fill” line so it’s easier to view your e-liquid level and keep your device filled up.
Ensure filling correctly
When filling your tank or pod you should always ensure that you are using the dedicated filling port. It can be often confusing on larger devices but if you’re unsure just check in the user manual you will have received with your device. Never fill e-liquid down the chimney of the tank/pod as this will cause your device to spit when fired and can flood your tank or pod.
Keeping Airflow Clear (Auto Draw)
Many vape kits, especially smaller devices such as pod kits, now feature an auto draw feature alongside the usual button fire. One common mistake in regard to this feature is not keeping the airflow clean. This mistake can lead to e-liquid build up in the base of the pod, which if left can block the airflow sensor or cause flooding which will also prevent the auto draw from working.
Top Tip - If you’re not going to use your device for a few hours, or storing it on its side, always remove the pod before using again to check there’s no e-liquid build up in the base of the device which could block the airflow.
Auto Draw Troubleshooting
If you find that auto draw is not working on your device, there’s a few things you can check first to eliminate any issues which may be preventing the feature to work:
Check if the device has auto draw feature: Not every device has auto draw options available, please first check that your device has this feature.
Check feature is enabled: Some devices allow you to switch to either auto draw, button press or have both enabled. Ensure that either auto draw or combined option is selected.
Check for flooding or blockage: If you’ve checked everything above, remove your pod and check there is no e-liquid sitting in the bottom of the device which could block the airflow sensor or flood the coil.
Adjust airflow
Most vape kits offer adjustable airflow which allow you to customise your vape to your liking. It’s important to note that if your airflow is completely closed it may not be possible to draw and vapour. On the other end, if you have your airflow completely open and are using a lower wattage setting you may not draw that much vapour and experience lack of flavour. Play around with your airflow until you get it just right.
Check connection is secure
There are a few connections to make sure are secure with your device. Firstly, and most importantly you should ensure that your coil is fitted correctly. If your coil is not screwed in correctly or placed flush, e-liquid can run through the threads or gaps causing your device to leak. If you’ve been vaping for a while with the same tank or pod, you should regularly check the rubber/silicone fittings to ensure they are not worn out.
TOP TIP – When not using your device keep the airflow closed, this will keep the air vacuum in your tank and prevent possible leaking whilst also preventing additional dust to gather.
In addition to making sure your coil is secured correctly, it’s also vital to ensure that your tank is screwed into the device securely and fits flush. Always take extra care when screwing anything on your device and make sure you align everything up to prevent any threading which could limit the lifespan of your vape kit or create room for e-liquid to run through.
Battery Issues
Regardless if you have fixed any highlighted issues with your vape kit, tank and coil, you’re still going to have issues if your vape batteries aren’t working efficiently. There are a few common mistakes that can be made when it comes to batteries and vaping, below we highlight them and explain how to avoid them in the future.
Vape not firing
If your vape is not firing there could be a few common issues to initially check. Firstly, ensure that your battery has enough charge to fire at the wattage you have set, If you have some charge left try a lower wattage and if not charge your batteries to full. Some devices can be locked so check with your user manual to see what settings could have been set, in addition your device could be set to draw activation where no buttons are required just inhaling.
Wattage too high or low
As briefly discussed earlier, if your wattage is set too high you can damage your coil and burn it out quickly, in addition your vapour may be too hot to handle and create a very unsatisfying vape experience. On the other hand, if your wattage is set too low you’ll struggle to draw enough flavour and vapour which will severely limit your experience.
TOP TIP – Set your wattage to the recommended setting on the coil and work from there to optimise your vape to your preference but stay within the minimum and maximum settings to get the most out of your coil lifespan.
Charging your batteries
If you’re unsure on your battery level, most devices have indicators either on a screen or with a series of LED indicators. If you’re unsure on what to look for refer back to your user manual and gain a greater understanding of your device before you continue.
E-Liquid Issues
If you’ve done everything to fix the problems highlighted above with your vape device, tank, coils and batteries; If you’re e-liquids aren’t correct for your vape kit or you’re mis-using them, you’re not going to have an optimal vaping experience.
PG/VG Ratios
When it comes to e-liquids there’s definitely a wide range to select from and it’s essentially up to you to decide what works best. Luckily, it’s simpler to work out your e-liquid ratio than you may first think. If you’re using a sub ohm kit (with a coil less than 1.0ohm) and getting a throat hit that’s too strong for you then you’ll need to up your VG ratio. Shortfill e-liquids are ideal for sub ohm devices as they generally have a 70VG/30PG ratio which creates a smooth inhale with great flavour and vapour production.
On the other hand, if you’re using a Mouth To Lung (MTL) kit with a coil greater than 1.0ohm, e-liquids with a higher PG ratio will be experienced better with the likes of a 50:50 e-liquid (50PG/50VG).
Nicotine Strengths
Similar to PG/VG ratios, there’s a wide selection of nicotine strengths to choose from and is completely down to preference, although there are a few considerations to take note of. If you’re using a sub ohm kit, you’ll ideally want to use a maximum of 6mg nicotine however most find that 3mg is the perfect amount. This is because the vapour production is much higher and provides a greater amount of nicotine at one time.
On the other hand, if you’re using a Mouth To Lung (MTL) kit you’ll be able to handle much higher nicotine strengths as you’ll get less of a hit as opposed to a sub ohm kit. If you’re using a device with a much lower wattage setting and looking for something with more of a hit then we’d recommend looking at nicotine salt e-liquids although freebase nicotine 10ml e-liquids will be ideal for you.
Mixing e-liquids
Mixing e-liquids is a great way to fine craft your flavour to your preference however not all e-liquids mix well. It’s common when first starting out on your vaping journey to mix flavours and create your own concoctions however it’s important to note some flavours won’t mix well together. Flavours such as fruit and menthol or tobacco and dessert tend to mix quite nicely whereas stronger flavours such as banana and watermelon will most likely overpower any other flavour profile.
If you want to change your flavour but still have e-liquid in your tank, it’s advisable to either vape what you have without drying the coil before filling with another flavour or ideally wait until it’s time to change coil and begin with a fresh flavour.
TOP TIP – Purchase additional replaceable pods or tanks and have your different flavour profiles in separate pods or tanks so you can easily switch between them.
After reading this article, you should now have a greater understanding of the core components of your vape kit and have greater knowledge on the most common vaping mistakes with information on how to prevent them in the future.
If you’ve gone through everything in this article and still having issues then you may want to check our other guides and articles to locate your issue. If you’re struggling to pinpoint your issue, then please do not hesitate to reach out to us via our live chat where a member of our team will be more than happy to help you troubleshoot your issue.
Disclaimer: The content on offers general insights about vaping and vape related products. Please be aware that this information is not meant to be a substitute for medical advice and should only be relied upon when explicitly referenced. We make no guarantees regarding the accuracy, reliability, or health-related advantages of the content displayed across all pages of our website, including blog posts, product pages and social media content.