Within the evolving world of the vaping industry, it’s common to see new features being released on a fairly regular basis. With so many new mods, vape kits and accessories from such a wide range of leading manufactures, sometimes it’s hard to stay up to date with the latest and get lost amongst the ever-evolving features made available.
This article briefly looks into advanced vaping modes currently available on the latest vape kits. For the most part, they may be called advanced, but you’ll find that many of what we’ll go over within this article is actually pretty simple and will allow you to get even more out of your latest vape kit purchase!
Although this article covers the majority of the most known and utilised advanced vaping modes available, there may be other areas not covered. We will however revisit this article with the latest modes when they become available.
We strongly recommend you read your user manual before utilising any of the following advanced modes to ensure you fully understand your device.

Variable Wattage
Although not directly classed as an advanced vaping mode, many may have already had hands on experience with variable wattage and we thought it’s a great starting point to expand from.
If you don’t know already, variable wattage is actually as the name suggests, allowing you to adjust the wattage of your device. This mode is commonly found within the basic settings on most advanced vape kits, with the mode being introduced more frequently on the majority of devices launched these days.
Variable wattage is mostly adjusted via the up and down buttons on the device when the setting is selected. Wattage is commonly changed through whole numbers although some devices allow you to access finer adjustments up to a tenth of a watt, allowing users to find their perfect sweet spot.
Variable Voltage
Variable voltage follows the same theme as Variable Wattage although for the adjustment in voltage. Going back to the early days of adjustable vape kits, power was always displayed through voltage. In recent times it has become more popular to see voltage as a smaller applied number below the wattage. If you do have the option of Variable Voltage, you can use this the same as you would for Variable Wattage.
Bypass Mode
Bypass Mode is one of the simplest and most user-friendly advanced vaping modes currently available. The mode works by removing both wattage and voltage output from the equation, allowing the user to utilise their device much like a mechanical mod, by designating output to correlate with the level of charge within the battery.
Bypass Mode is a great next step for vapers who want to get the most out of their vape kit, without losing any safety or protections that can be found within modern vape kits.
Temperature Control (TC)
One of the most common advanced vaping modes which can be found on the majority of mods available on the market today is Temperature Control; In fact, you’ll struggle to find a variable wattage mod without the ability to utilise TC.
Originating back in 2014 thanks to the introduction of the DNA chip created by Evolv; Temperature Control is the prevention of dry and/or burnt hits from your device. The user selects a temperature limit, normally found to be between 100°C to 315°C. From here and with TC selected, the power that is sent to the coil will automatically adjust to the desired temperature, keeping both the coil and vape optimum.
Temperature Control works in conjunction with nickel, titanium and stainless-steel wired coils, although always check your device and coils to ensure they are compatible or work as intended.
Intelligent Temperature Control
As the name may suggest, Intelligent Temperature Control takes the work out of TC vaping by detecting when you connect a TC coil and then automatically works out the optimal setting for you, all you have to do is set your desired temperature.
Although TC isn’t too difficult to set yourself, if your vape kit comes with Intelligent Temperature Control settings it’s a great easy to use feature to get the most out of your device.
Temperature Coefficient of Resistance (TCR)
A slightly more advanced mode than Temperature Control is Temperature Coefficient of Resistance (TCR). This mode measures the change in resistance of the wire as a current is run through it to set a temperature limit. TCR is great to ensure that you get the same response as other coil wires you’re used to.
For example, if you’re using a different grade of stainless steel within your coil than you have your device programmed for, you can adjust the TCR on your device to suit your needs and requirement.
Power Curves / Wattage Curve Mode
Moving into more technical advanced vaping modes; Custom power curve mode (also known as wattage curve mode) allows you to vary the wattage on your vape kit throughout inhaling. For example, you could have your device set at 30W, however with a custom power curve, it may start at 40W, then drop to 35W and after a second longer down to 30W and then remain.
For the majority of newer vape kits it’s possible to set up custom power curves on the device itself, however some mods require paired computer programmes or applications to allow you to make these changes on a more user-friendly interface.
The whole purpose of custom power curves is to get your vape set up exactly how you’d like it. Setting up this advanced vaping mode can take a little while to get it just how you’d like if you’re looking for the perfect vape, although if you just want that extra little boost on first drawing your vape or a consistent gradual increase throughout inhaling, it’s definitely an advanced mode to look into.
Material Selection
Gone are the days where every coil you find is built from kanthal. Vaping coils these days come in a wide range of materials, shapes and sizes. Material selection is mostly utilised in conjunction with Temperature Control. You’ll mostly find nickel (Ni200), titanium (Ti) and stainless steel (SS) as the most common materials due to these all allowing for TC.
Due to material selection modes being essential for TC, you’ll find it pretty hard to find a vape kit that allows TC but doesn’t allow you to select your coil material.
Pulse Mode
Although not one of the most common advanced vaping modes, Pulse Mode is starting to gain further traction and usage thank to Vaporesso. The mode works by controlling the output of your vape. By repeatedly cutting off and sending current to the coil, Pulse Mode ensures the coil never exceeds a pre-defined set value. This advanced mode is similar to that of Power Curve Modes however it is not mapped prior.
Custom or Memory Modes
Memory modes allow you to easily switch from one setting to another by creating pre-sets for group settings. Dependent upon the device you’re using you may be able to use these custom memory modes for temperature control, power curves or wattages with other possibilities made available.
The settings in which you can save into these custom memory modes varies significantly depending on the vape kit you’re using so it’s definitely advisable to dig out your user manual to see what your vape kit can potentially do!
Lock Modes
Although not directly considered as an advanced vaping mode, lock mode allows you to lock various buttons on your vape kit. Lock modes tend to allow you to lock the up and down buttons, or the fire button in general to help prevent accidental firing of the device or changing power settings in your pocket.
Lock modes are very easy to use and if you prefer to vape at the same wattage, it’s definitely a good idea to lock your adjustment buttons if your device allows you to do so, it could save you burning out a coil instantly in the future!
Stealth Modes
If you ever find yourself in a dark environment and don’t want the distraction of the display screen on your device, then stealth mode is perfect. It’s advisable to ensure that you know how to get your device back out of stealth mode if you do require it as without the screen on you could find it hard to do so!
Firmware Updates
With all these latest advanced vaping modes and technology, some advanced e-cigarettes and vape kits create the ability to update the operating programming on the chip, usually through connecting the device to a computer and downloading the update.
Firmware updates provided by manufacturers are essentially a way for the manufacturer to add new features and options alongside the ability to make improvements after the mod has been released, normally after customer feedback or highlighted problems which were missed before release.
If you’re vape kit doesn’t allow you to do something you think it should, such as no ability to lock the device, or your screen doesn’t appear too bright, send the manufacturer of your device an email or message them as it could be something they can update.

As you may have noticed within this article, advanced vaping modes aren’t always as complicated as they first sound. Although they may have long worded intelligent names, for the most part they’re pretty straightforward.
The good news is that with the constant evolution of vaping devices in recent years, these advanced vaping modes and many like them to come are now more accessible than ever and becoming a lot more user friendly over time.
You can always find more information about your device within the user manual that came alongside your product. If you do require any further information or assistance in getting the most out of your vape, do not hesitate to get in touch with us, our team are on hand to provide expert advice and guidance.
Which advanced vaping modes do you use? Let us know in the comments below, we’d love to hear about how you get the most out of your vape kit!
But for now, as always; Stay safe and speak to you next time!
Royal Flush Team
Disclaimer: The content on www.royalflushvape.co.uk offers general insights about vaping and vape related products. Please be aware that this information is not meant to be a substitute for medical advice and should only be relied upon when explicitly referenced. We make no guarantees regarding the accuracy, reliability, or health-related advantages of the content displayed across all pages of our website, including blog posts, product pages and social media content.