Manabush E-Liquids Q&A


Manabush has been around since 2012 specialising in tobacco flavouring within their e-liquids. What originally started out as a hobby has now gained traction with the brand winning multiple awards, including best tobacco at Vaper Expo and a few of the same on Ecigone Click awards. Although achieving so much, founder Martyn highlights that awards don’t do much for him, with his greatest sense of achievement being with the emails they received from people stating how their e-liquids helped them kick the ciggies.

Everything that Manabush stands for follows suit with our ethos at Royal Flush Vape, which is why we proudly stock a varied collection of their 10mls and short fill e-liquids. The team here at Royal Flush Vape do everything in their power to help people give up smoking for a much healthier lifestyle and e-liquid brands such as Manabush make this possibility much easier, whilst also providing quality e-liquids for those who have been vaping for many years!

To find out more about Manabush, we sat down with the founder Martyn to talk about the origins of the brand and to hear the story so far, alongside future plans for Manabush.Martyn ZombieTuesday, creator of Manabush.

History of Manabush

Manabush have now been providing premium e-liquids for a decade since launching pretty much by accident in 2012. Since the humble beginnings to the well established brand it has now become, we ask Martyn more about why he started the brand all these years ago and where the true name and meaning of Manabush originated.

When did you start the brand and why?

The Brand was started, pretty much by accident back in 2012, as a hobbyist mixer, the few juices I made soon gained in popularity on the enthusiast forums to the point I had to find a name to go with them, this in turn led to it eventually becoming a business.

How did the name for the brand come about?

The Name came about because the very earliest Juices I made were based around tobacco and maple. I was (and remain) a big fan of The Cult and Adam and the Ants, and a band named Claytown Troupe - all of whom drew heavily on Native American art works for their image. The name Manabush and Nokomis are (to simplify heavily) spirits in some Native American mythologies entwined with how man first learned to get Maple from the maple tree. That coupled with my musical tastes decided on my direction for the brand.

Manabush E-Liquids Shop

What has changed over the last 2 years with the challenges of Covid?

Covid has been hard on us all within (and of course outside) of the industry, I have seem many of my peers and friends go to the wall - and many people have lost their livelihoods, I doubt there is a company out there who has not felt the squeeze this pandemic has put on the industry - and its effect on society as a whole has been truly shocking.

Manabush E-Liquids & Achievements

Over the past 10 years, Manabush has been supplying their e-liquids to fans across the globe. With so many years active alongside such a dedicated fan base, it’s no surprise that the brand has picked up numerous awards over their years. We delved deeper with Martyn to find out more about their achievements, what they mean to him personally and what makes Manabush stronger than others.

Best/most popular e-liquid flavour?

That's a really difficult question to answer! One month it can be one... one month another - I think the top five sellers of the last few months have been Tribute Chiricahua Sun, Powwow Sauce, Chiricahua Sun, Chiri Blond, Gran Corona and an honourable mention too eggnog and Snowball because it's been Christmas and they always do well then.

Manabush E-Liquids Collection

Best achievement to date?

Achievement eh... I don't really put a great deal of stock in awards and stuff like that - we have won several including best tobacco at Vaper Expo a few years ago and a few of the same on Ecigone Click awards in the past, but they don't mean an awful lot to me, my greatest sense of achievement is when we get emails from people telling us how our juices have helped them to kick the ciggies - that's what it is all about to me.

What makes your e-liquid better than others?

I'm not sure any e-liquid is better than any others! Taste is subjective to the taster! So rather than say “why is ours better” I’d rather say “why are ours different” - The answer to which is I think we still value tobacco as a flavouring (though we do many non-tobacco based flavours these days). I myself have retained the love of tobacco flavouring rather than moving away towards fruits or desserts etc, but I do appreciate those others as well .. in our core ranges - right from the very beginning we have tried to incorporate the best of both worlds. I’m willing to be proved wrong on this, but I am fairly certain we made the very first “tobacco custard” with Powwow Sauce back in 2011 - 2012... before we even had a name for the juice.

Future of Manabush

With a greater understanding of Manabush’s origins, we were excited to hear about future plans that the brand has going into 2022 and beyond. We asked what was planned in the upcoming years.

What have you planned for 2022?

2022, well... who knows! Certainly we have a new dessert range planned as part of our Base Zero / Divergents ranges (our non tobacco ranges) - and I fully intend to explore our Leaf and twisted Leaf ranges (our latest tobacco ranges) far more.

What does the future hold for your brand?

Oh who knows? You never know what's round the corner!

Manabush at Royal Flush Vape

Here at Royal Flush Vape we proudly stock Manabush e-liquids as we continue to provide a much healthier alternative to smoking. The tobacco flavoured e-liquids have been received excellently by our customers, especially with those wanting to quit smoking and transition to vaping. You can pick up any of the Manabush 10ml e-liquids in our 4 for £12 deal or any of the shortfills available if you’re looking for the perfect sub-ohm tobacco vape.

Powwow Sauce 10ml - A satisfying blend of dark and light tobacco, combined with sweet biscuit and a layer of familiar dessert top note. Designed for those looking for a lighter, yet flavoursome vape, Powwow Sauce is a perfect all day vape that hits the spot. 

Chiricahua Sun 10ml - A mild tobacco base with a truly unique sweet nutty topping layered with golden syrup. The name Chiricahua is a tribute to the whole concept of Manabush branding and idea with a flavour that is close to founder Martyn's heart. 

Nokomis 10ml - Blending dark and light tobacco alongside some added biscuity sweetness, Nokomis provides an excellent throat hit with great vapour production. With a light sweet tobacco inhale followed by a darker biscuit flavoured exhale for a great all day vape.

Nokomis Amped - Taking the famous flavours from Nokomis with added caramel and maple overtones to create a creamier and slightly sweeter vaping experience. Nokomis Amped provides a satisfying everyday vape without being overpowering. 

Chiricahua Sun ReloadedWith Chiricahua Sun being one of the greatest achievements for Manabush, this reloaded creation invites a somewhat nuttier and slight golden syrup hit with a less sweet flavour profile overall. 

Powwow Sauce ExtendedTaking the top notes from Powwow layered on the new Nokomis Amped base to create a magnified creamy dessert topping. Combined with the original tobacco custard e-liquid, Powwow Sauce Extended provides an excellent vaping experience. 

As we continue increasing our e-liquid collections, we look forward to working alongside Manabush in 2022 to continue providing premium e-liquids to our customers who already vape, but most importantly help those looking to quit smoking.

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